It's a family thing.......

Volare Restaurants Ltd has been trading since 2007, and still improving the customer experience as the restaurant has been refurbished with a new suspended ceiling and a new bar... We always strive to give you the best Italian produce at  good value for money during these times of economic hardship. Partners and Hosts Onofrio Maimone and Cinzia Lopalco say "When you come to our place, we'll make all efforts to make sure you feel like you are on holiday in Italy for as long as your stay!".

Onofrio is from Sicily and has an extensive experience in catering. He's been working in the trade all his life and is the chef/proprietor of the establishment.

Cinzia is from Puglia and has been managing holiday farms, where she's learnt the trade and all the aspects of day to day running of kitchen and front of house. In the kitchen, Jason Maimone is our head chef in the kitchen and has followed in Onofrios footsteps and has learnt everything there is to know from his father, he is very talented, very motivated to keep high standards and eager to takeover one day along with his wife Victoria Maimone who is once again very talented in the front of house and she strives to make everyone feel welcomeand enjoy their meal or special occasions with us

At Volare, we have excellent food and a large Wine list to choose from. We source our ingredients locally and the rest is imported from Italy through a network of leading distributors.All this mixed with family style service gives you a true authentic taste of real Italy!

  RISTORANTE VOLARE - Chef Onofrio Maimone 613 Lord Street PR9 0AN
Gran Bretagna

Certifica la tua azienda. Richiedi ID anticontraffazione Certifica che la tua Azienda è in possesso dei requisiti richiesti per l’inserimento in Eccellenze Italiane e richiedere l’erogazione di un ID Anticontraffazione, che sarà impresso sul certificato e sulla vetrofania che provvederemo a consegnarti e potrai poi esporre al pubblico.
Segnala un’eccellenza Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento

Ristorante con Professionalità ed Eleganza.

Pesce, Carne, la Sera Pizza forno a legna.

ristorazione Antica Osteria Dei Mercanti

Specialità della tradizione Toscana

L' Osteria dei Mercanti offre una notevole varietà di piatti della cucina tradizionale toscana ma anche assaggi di prelibata cucina internazionale, accompagnati da vini del territorio.

Mette a disposizione ampie sale caratteristiche, con ancora l'aria dell'antica trattoria toscana, ideali per tranquille cene, ma anche adatte per ricevimenti e cerimonie, soprattutto quando è disponibile anche la bellissima veranda con giardino.

Offre, infine la suggestiva cornice ambientale di Carmignano, immerso tra vigneti e uliveti e vicino alle più importanti citta d'arte come Firenze, Lucca, Siena. Famoso per le sue vestigia etrusche, le ville rinascimentali, la Rocca medievale e per il bellissimo Parco Museo "Quinto Martini", Carmignano è molto conosciuto anche per i suoi prodotti tipici quali il vino, l'olio.

Proponiamo una birra di produzione propria la "Todo Birra "
Fermentazione naturale prodotta con grano di varietà antica

il nostro ambiente è dotato di Rete WI FI

"Osteria dei Mercanti " offers a wide variety of dishes of the traditional Tuscan cuisine as well as tasting delicious international cuisine, accompanied by local wines

Offers spacious rooms features, with even the air of the ancient Tuscan trattoria, ideal for quiet dinners, but also suitable for receptions and ceremonies, especially when it is available also the beautiful veranda with garden.

Offers, finally the picturesque setting of environmental Carmignano, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves and close to major cities such as Florence, Lucca, Siena. Famous for its Etruscan, Renaissance villas, the medieval fortress and the beautiful Park Museum "Quinto Martini", Carmignano is also very well known for its traditional products such as wine, oil.

ristoranti Pizzeria Amici Originale
Een plek in Hoofddorp waar gasten kunnen genieten van de Italiaanse keuken...!
Bijzondere antipasti, houtoven pizza's, pasta en zoete dolci!!

Benvenuti ~ Willkommen ~ Welcome!
Genial, vielseitig und teilweise ratelhaft:
Nicht nur seinen Gemalden, sondern auch mit Forschungen auf anderen Gebieten(Militartechnik, anatomische Studien,
Architektur, sein Flugapparat...)
hat sich dieser wohl bedeutenster Kunstler der Renaissance einen festen Platz im Gedachtnis der Menschheit bewahrt.
Leonarde da Vincis Werke beindrucken uns bis heute.

Leonardo (1452 - 1519) stammt aus Vinci, ca. 30  kmvon Florenz entfernt
Wir mochten den Bogen spannen zur italienischen Küche, mit deren Spezialitäten wir Sie verwohnen mochtenn.
GenieBen Sie den Aufenthalt bei uns in einem Ambiente, das an Leonardo da Vinci und seine Werke erinnern soll, und freuen Sie sich an den frisch zubereiteten italienischen Spezialitäten unserer Küche!
Buon Appetito ~ Guten Appetit ~ Enjoy your Meal!
Familie Nuzzo